Blog: The worrying impact of inflation in the U.S.

28 de julio 2022 | Buscar más artículos -->

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You’ve probably been hearing in the news about the increasingly high cost of living. We asked Americans about their experiences in a recent poll. A majority (58%) of Americans are worried about the effects of creeping inflation on their finances. Twelve per cent of Americans admit to being panicked about inflation. Of this group, 15% live in the Midwest, 18% are aged between 35 and 54, and 18% are in the lowest income bracket (less than $25,000 household income per year). About a third of respondents (30%), said they are comfortable, and that inflation was not impacting them. Of this group, 34% live in the Northeast, are aged 55 or older (36%), and 47% are in the highest income bracket of $100,000 and over of household income per year.

Picture of produce with labels indicating their value.

A majority of those surveyed (58%) have set stricter limits for themselves, rejuggling their priorities and reducing their spending. Some (68%) go further saying it’s time to divest themselves of stocks and invest their money elsewhere, while 32% feel now is a good time to invest in the stock market. Those who feel now is not a good time for stock investments are living in the West (37%), aged 18-34 (40%) and those with the highest household income of $100,000 and over (49%). Due to the current situation, 54% of Americans feel that the central bank will plunge the country into a recession if they raise interest rates.

The current economic situation is making a significant impact on peoples’ lives. When asked about what they decreased their spending on, respondents named food purchased from grocery stores or restaurants (62%), clothing and footwear (57%), and entertainment (57%) among the top items. The greatest food cuts were made in the Midwest, among females, and those making less than $25,000 household income per year (all at 65%). Public and commuter transportation, along with air transportation were both decreased by 23%, while energy costs were reduced by 21%.

Has inflation impacted you?

You can read the full details here.


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