Being a member of Maru Tú Cuentas means you agree to provide honest and high-quality responses to our surveys. The clients and companies we work with rely on us to provide reliable data, so it’s important that your survey answers are valid and thoughtful. It’s the best way to have your voice heard!
Here are 3 tips to keep in mind while taking our surveys:
Always make sure you’re reading the survey question carefully before answering. Is the question asking about your past experiences or your future plans? Online purchases or in-store shopping? You may find it helpful to complete our surveys in a quiet room with no distractions so you can read the instructions and questions carefully.
We actually read your answers to these questions! Open-end responses allow you to expand on your ideas, experiences, and opinions, which provides us with deeper insights on a specific topic. If you write nonsense, your response may be disqualified, which means you could lose any reward you earned for the survey. An honest response is always best.
This tip goes hand-in-hand with number one. Rushing through a survey is frequently associated with low quality answers. Make sure you’re setting aside enough time to complete our surveys. We state the amount of time it will take to complete the survey at the beginning or in the survey invitation. Use this as a helpful guide to allocate your time – we rely on your thoughtful and consistent responses! Plus, putting the necessary effort into surveys ensures your authentic voice is heard.
In short: thoughtful and complete responses make for high quality data, which is important for providing reliable and respected insights. As always, we appreciate your time and hard work!
¿Todavía no es miembro? ¡Únase ahora y comience a ser recompensado por su opinión!
Maru Tú cuentas es uno de los principales paneles de investigación de mercado en línea del país. Nosotros le enviamos encuestas, usted las completa, le damos recompensas, y usted hace una diferencia. Por cada encuesta que complete, obtendrá entradas en programas de sorteos mensuales y puntos que pueden ser canjeados por tarjetas de regalos de una variedad de minoristas populares en línea. Luego compartimos sus respuestas con organizaciones que van desde marcas domésticas, organismos gubernamentales, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y los medios de comunicación que desean comprender mejor las opiniones de la sociedad. Haga que su voz se escuche uniéndose a la comunidad de Maru Tú Cuentas hoy.
¿Todavía no es miembro? Visite para unirse a nuestra comunidad y compartir su punto de vista sobre distintos temas como este. Registrarse es rápido y fácil, ¡estamos ansiosos por saber de usted!